Right angle brackets and backwards compatibility

Ever since introduction of C++03 the standard committee set out to fix many minor annoyances in the language (auto, ranged for and initializer lists to name a few). Most of those are new things that cannot change the behaviour of existing code, but there are, of course, exceptions. In C++03 the first line of the following code was ill-formed, because >> was parsed as operator>>.

std::vector<std::vector<int>>  X; // ill-formed
std::vector<std::vector<int> > Y; // ok

Parentheses that change everything

It is well known — and intuitively understood by most — that adding a set of parentheses usually doesn’t change anything; for example, int answer = 42; is equal to int answer = (42); or int answer = ((42));. There are some important exceptions to that rule, however, and I’ll talk about these in this post.


Although macros are rarely used in good C++ code, it is important to be able to understand what’s happening and why. Using a popular example of MIN macro, the naïve implementation would look like this:

#define MIN(x,y) x < y ? x : y

To a beginner, this would look like a correct implementation, and indeed, it would work in some cases; for example, answer below would indeed be equal to 42:

int answer = MIN(42,50);

Unfortunately, macros are expanded as text, and in the following example, possibly surprisingly, answer would hold the value of 41 instead:

int answer = 2 + MIN(40,41);

C’s secret operator: goes to

Consider the following code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	int n = 10;
	while(n --> 0)
		cout << "n: " << n << endl;

Should it compile? If your answer is yes, what should be its output?

Switch on strings with C++11

Many programmers new to C++, especially those coming from languages that focus on programmer productivity instead of performance per Watt, are surprised by the fact that one cannot use the switch statement with anything other than constant integers, enums or classes that have a single non-explicit integer or enum conversion operator. It’s a fairly reasonable concern – after all, there are lots of use cases for such a feature.

With the introduction of constexpr in C++11 last year it could be expected that such expressions of any type would become legit expression for the case label, but alas, they aren’t. That being said, it’s not impossible to do – at least in some form – or I wouldn’t be writing this post. With use of two very nifty C++11 features a very similar result can be achieved.